Tuesday, January 26, 2016

First post

My first blog ever.
I want to become a doctor. I am graduating from UNF this spring, have taken the MCAT last year, have and am still involved in research, have volunteered at Mayo Clinic, shadowed local doctors....I've been interviewed just this week by both AUC and SGU, now I'm almost to a turning point in my life which is the realization of my dream. Keeping my fingers crossed for an acceptance. Although the island of Saint Maarten is more built up than Grenada, I'm leaning towards SGU simply from what I have "heard".  Better preparation for Step 1 and scheduling of your clinicals. It is expensive compared to other schools but you get what you pay for I suppose.
So that's my goal, to get into the Fall 2016 class.
Coming with me will be my husband and our two young girls. It won't be easy, especially the first two years, but I wouldn't have it any other way. We are a family first and foremost, that will always be most important. I'm excited for this adventure! When I get a decision, I will update. For now, goodnight.